Тест сұрақтары

Match two words to make a new word and find the odd word:  do ...
Match two words to make a new word and find the odd word: go ...
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: track
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: traffic
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: tin
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: detective
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: coffee
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: fruit
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: car
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: phone
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: military
Match two words to make a new word/phrase: table
Find word/phrase which means: a film about cowboys in the USA
Find word/phrase which means: a theatre in which opera is performed
Find word/phrase which means: the last rehearsal of a play
Find word/phrase which means: a hobby, way of passing your spare time
Find word/phrase which means: people watching a film or a play
Find word which means: a programme where people are asked questions
Find word/phrase which means: particularly
Find word/phrase which means: to take what is offered
Find word/phrase which means: way of pronouncing
Find word/phrase which means: sometimes, not often
Complete the proverb: Cut your coat according …
Complete the proverb: Appearances are ...
Complete the proverb: Near is my coat, …
Complete the proverb: Clothes do not make …
Complete the proverb: So many men  …
Complete the proverb: While there is life …
Complete the proverb:  Time brings …
Complete the proverb: Wealth is nothing …
Complete the proverb: If you cannot have the best, …
Complete the proverb: Never put off till tomorrow …
Translate into English:   искать (іздеу)
Translate into English:  смотреть на что-то  (қарау)
Translate into English:   ждать (күту)
Translate into English:   снимать ( киім шешу)
Translate into English: быть хороших отношениях (жақсы қарым-қатынаста болу)
Translate into English:  одевать что-нибудь ( киім кию)
Translate into English:   включить что-нибудь ( бір нәрсені қосу)
Translate into English:  выключить что-нибудь ( бір нәрсені өшіру)